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WHO COMES TO THE CAFE? Everyone is invited to sample and enjoy the experience served at a Caf� of Life. You may be seeking a greater expression of your own inner potential, better health physiologically as well as core healing, increased wellness and well being. Whether in pain, ill or affected by a disease, you are welcome! We strongly encourage families to visit us as a unit, as all can benefit from greater life expression and vitality. It has been well documented that "dis-ease," "dis-function" and "dis-harmony" in one member of a family may influence another member's pattern of life. Aristotle stated, "Nature never makes anything without a purpose and never leaves out what is necessary." Thus, discovering vital health, healing and wellness is simply a matter of incorporating the Laws of Nature into our daily lives. Our body is the instrument through which we express our Self and through which we perceive life. Therefore, in order to achieve the fullest expression of who we are, we must honor and nurture our body.
IS CHIROPRACTIC FOR ME? The art of chiropractic is based on the clearing of the nerve system by analysis and adjustment of the spinal column. The expression of the intelligence that created you is expressed through the nerve system. Having your spine and nerve system analyzed for interference by a chiropractor will give you a good idea of how the intelligence of the body is being expressed or interfered. Anyone of any age with any condition can have their spine and nerve system analyzed and adjusted by a chiropractor. It is very gentle, safe, natural and beneficial to be adjusted.
CAN MY CHILDREN GET ADJUSTED? Your child's spine and nerve system can be safely analyzed and adjusted from the day they are born. The birth process is often the first occurrence of subluxation. The trauma that occurs during the birth process can be severe. (see PREGNANCY, BIRTH AND CHIROPRACTIC) The medical intervention during labor is traumatic on a newborn's spine and nerve system. From drug intervention of the mother to the extreme mechanical force of manual, forceps and/or vacuum extraction, the infants spine is dealing with tremendous stresses. The best time to be checked by a chiropractor is at birth. Subluxation of the spine diminishes the energy or life force that travels the nerve system. Having your spine and nerve system checked and cleared of interference can help people of all ages, but especially children due to the extremely accelerated growth process. A clear nerve system is vital for proper function, communication and healing throughout the body. For more information feel free to join us for an EVENING OF ENLIGHTENMENT.
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO SEE A CHIROPRACTOR? When is the best time to start brushing your teeth? It is obvious that waiting until you have tooth pain is not the best time to start brushing you teeth, right? Or waiting until you have a cavity. And yet if you wait until you have a toothache to start brushing your teeth does not necessarily interfere with the functioning of your being as a whole. With interference to the nerve system and diminished life expression, your whole being is affected. Your heart, lungs, kidney, stomach, skin, metabolism, immune system, etc. can all be affected by interference. So, when is the best time to see a chiropractor? The answer should be pretty obvious. From the day you are born. Most people don�t realize that Chiropractic care is possible for infants but having your children adjusted is the best thing for them as they grow and develop. Children also respond much faster to Chiropractic care since the areas of the spine that have locked have not been there for very long. Adjusting children is also very light and gentle. Most kids love to get adjusted and will jump up on the table to get checked.
UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES TO PEOPLE USUALLY SEE A CHIROPRACTOR? Usually people come to a chiropractor when they are experiencing some kind of symptom that they want removed. The most common is back pain. This comes from an allopathic (medical) understanding that the person holds about their health. The majority of the U.S. and the western world is focused on the outside-in, treatment paradigm which means that if they have a �back problem� they go to the �back doctor�. Now, Chiropractic is fundamentally based on the nerve system and health from within. The idea that Chiropractors are �back doctors� comes from the mechanistic model of health and life. We work on the spine so we are back doctors. This has created the idea that unless you have back pain, a chiropractor can�t do you any good. This is the biggest mistake most people make and even some Chiropractors make as well.
HOW CAN AN ONGOING SUBLUXATION CAUSE HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE SHORT AND LONG TERM? Let�s just say for example that the interference is occurring to the thyroid gland. If the signal is intensified, the problem that could result is Hyperthyroidism. If the signal is diminished, the result could be Hypothyroidism. Similarly, this example could be applied to any organ system, organ, tissue, cell and/or the body as a whole. Every disease named by medical doctors is named either for too much or too little function of different parts of the body. This is in essence defining the effects of interference in the expression of innate intelligence across the nerve system. Short term, subluxation and the interference may not manifest outwardly as any sort of symptom, pain or otherwise. Long term, the effects can be monumental. Regardless of the length of time of subluxation, any interference in the nerve system will result in less life expression to varying degrees. It is always diminishing the innate ability to adapt and heal.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF AN ADJUSTMENT? The adjustment is the specific application of a force to an area of the spine that is subluxated. This is an are that is locked and is creating an interference to the nerve signals. The adjustment is intended to restore proper motion to the spine and to clear the communication between the nerve system and the body. The result of proper nerve system communication is always constructive for the body. It will always result in proper response of the body, whether that means more pain or less pain, higher fever or lower fever, higher blood pressure or lower blood pressure, with a clear nerve system the response is always appropriate for that person at that moment.
CAN I ADJUST MYSELF? This is one of the most common questions that I get as a Chiropractor, and it really has two answers. First, the body is constantly trying to clear subluxation of the spine. Every day your body is clearing subluxation naturally through walking, stretching, balanced exercise and even while you sleep. This process is occurring throughout your lifetime and is successful to various degrees. The problem occurs when the spine and nerve system become stuck in a pattern that is not able to be cleared through the normal daily activity you are experiencing. This is when chiropractic is most beneficial. The unfortunate part is that people usually wait 20, 30, 40 or more years before getting their spine checked for the first time. In this situation, the body has likely held the pattern of subluxation for many, many years. The frequency of chiropractic care needed at this point is much greater than if the same person had been checked at infancy, childhood, and teen years before the body, spine and nerve system had set into the subluxation pattern for years and years. The longer the same subluxation is there, the more challenging it is to help restore balance to the spine and nerve system. The second point has to do with physically attempting to release subluxation of your spine. When attempting to adjust yourself, you are using the very muscles that attach to the spine. Any time that you use your own muscles, it can create tension in the very segment you are wanting to release. Release of a subluxation can occur through many activities (even a car accident can release a subluxation). Challenging your body's flexibility can help this occur. The Chiropractic adjustment is a very specific force applied to individual segments of the spine to directly reduce or clear one subluxation. Chiropractic care is beneficial to assist your body in becoming at ease and ready to release the subluxations present.
CAN A CHIROPRACTOR HELP WITH BACK PAIN? A Tylenol can diminish back pain. The problem is that the cause of the pain was not addressed, therefore the pain usually comes back. The answer regarding if Chiropractor can diminish back pain is not one that I can answer. The purpose of Chiropractic is not pain relief. It is about removing nerve interference to allow the body to do what it has to do. A clear nerve system is vital to health and healing. The body will remove the pain signal when it is appropriate and not a minute before. By getting adjusted by a Chiropractor clears the nerve system and the pain response is not needed then it will diminish. If, after being adjusted, the pain signal needs to be more intense, the body will intensify the signal. The Chiropractor�s purpose is not to remove pain, but to assist the body in removing interference and expressing 100% life and health potential. What happens after that is up to the wisdom within you.
DOES EXERCISE HELP WITH ONES SPINAL ISSUES? Everything that you do in life affects your spine. It is the foundation of the skeleton and every muscle contraction affects the spine. If you have a disc problem or any other type of spinal pain you will realize this truth very quickly. Can exercise help the spine? If the exercise performed is a balancing exercise then yes, definitely it can help the function of the spine. On the other hand, if the exercise is not a balanced type like golf, baseball, tennis, racquetball, etc., then imbalance can be created in the spine. Anything that is not balanced for the way the body was designed can and usually does create outward problems.
WHY DO SOME CHIROPRACTORS TAKE X-RAYS? This is another controversial topic in our profession. X-ray is a useful tool to see the spine and how the vertebrae are in relationship to each other. It can also show various pathology when sufficient changes have occurred to bone or soft tissue. These are the reasons why some Chiropractors take films of the spine. On the flip side, X-ray films can not show where a subluxation is located, which is what Chiropractors purpose is to find and correct. Also, looking for pathology of the spine or soft tissue is in essence the practice of medicine. Pathology is the end result of the innate intelligence doing the best it can with the situation at hand. Looking for and addressing pathology is trying to fix the effect without ever addressing the cause. It is like looking for the wire that is supplying the fire alarm and cutting the wire, without ever addressing the fire itself. X-ray films are used also by some Chiropractors as an educational tool. It is a great way to show that the spine is not in the best posture and alignment. The other main idea that everyone is aware of about X-ray is that it is known to create cancer cells and other genetic alterations. It is not a safe way to image the spine. If you shouldn�t put a pregnant mother in front of an X-ray machine then why is it safe for anyone else? Personally, I do not take X-ray films unless I find it absolutely necessary. The less we expose people to X-ray the better off we all will be.
WHAT ARE GOOD QUESTIONS TO ASK A CHIROPRACTOR, SO THAT I KNOW HE OR SHE IS REPUTABLE? The questions that I would ask are 'What are you doing and why?' The sole purpose of chiropractic is to adjust the subluxation to remove nerve system interference and allow the innate intelligence within to do whatever it has to do. Any person practicing chiropractic should offer you this information. There is no other purpose that the Chiropractor has other than to locate and clear subluxation. There are many Chiropractors in the field who want to do more and more for people, either because they think it is good for that person or because it is good for their wallet. The idea that Chiropractic is based on is that your innate intelligence knows what needs to be done. It simply needs no interference to be able to express itself fully. This means that all the education that we can heap up on ourselves can not compare to or replace the inner wisdom within each of us. If you are aware that there is intelligence within us all that knows what it is doing and that Chiropractic works simply to remove interference to the expression of that intelligence, then the answer to this question will be obvious upon talking with any Chiropractor. |